Facilitation Basics Online (in English)

In this seminar we share our most fundamental practices and techniques, tools and knowledge to be more confident, relaxed and above all more effective in facilitating group processes. We offer you a dive into the basics of facilitative practice in:
4 online modules of
4 hours each, spread over
4 weeks.

(Notice: this seminar is not teaching the special questions concerning online-facilitation).

The facilitative attitude and practice fosters co-creation and „thinking out loud together“ in any group. It makes collective intelligence accessible and opens up to share responsibility. This allows finding new directions by overcoming essential challenges in groups of any kind and build binding commitment by agreeing on tangible next steps.

In this Series of virtual Seminars (4 x 4 hours) you will

  • gain an overview on modern approaches and methods of facilitating goal-oriented meetings and workshops
  • learn to develop an appropriate design for group processes of any kind
  • reflect on your role in a meeting (leader vs. chair vs. facilitator)
  • experience how to open and hold physical and virtual spaces in which effective collaboration can happen
  • learn to make meetings engaging and productive


  • The role of the facilitator and differences to other fields of activity
  • Facilitative attitude as a key for co-operation and collaboration
  • The international Facilitation core-competencies
    (International Association of Facilitators, www.iaf-world.com)
  • Building up a partnership with clients and facilitative task clarification
  • Supporting people and groups in their ability for self-organization
  • Finding the balance between focusing on the task and being flexible towards the needs of the participants
  • A comprehensive overview of approaches and methods of facilitation and engaging workshop formats
  • Getting to know the principle of emergence and enabling emergent processes
  • Participatory methods and tools that enable a deeper understanding of topics
  • Opening and holding space for dialogue
  • Working with small groups and involving everyone
  • Accompanying decision-making processes and learning to understand the dynamics involved

Module 1: Introduction to Facilitation

  • The role of the facilitator and the facilitative attitude in practice
  • Task analysis: how to help understanding the needs and requirements of a specific meeting or workshop
  • Finding balance between task orientation and flexibility to participants’ needs
  • General facilitation approaches and methods
  • Working with breakout groups

Module 2: Dialogue – the Art of thinking together

  • The practice of dialogue
  • Opening and holding space for dialogue
  • Facilitating emergence and fresh thinking
  • Dialogical methods and tools

Module 3: Facilitating decision-making Processes

  • Understanding of group dynamics in decision-making processes and the importance of a facilitators attitude
  • The deep meaning of silence
  • Methods and tools for decision-making processes

Module 4: Facilitating Change

  • Dynamics in change processes and how to meet them
  • Creative methods and tools to open up for deeper understanding of subjects

Target Group

This seminar is for all people who want to learn how to open and maintain space for participation, dialogue and genuine collaboration by trusting in the potential of the group: Managers, internal or external process facilitators, group leaders, trainers, project leaders and all people who work with groups.

The seminar takes place online with 6-20 participants.

Your Hosts

Jutta Weimar is the owner of the Facilitation Academy.
She has been a freelance facilitator, coach & trainer and author since 2000. Jutta is internationally certified by the IAF as a CPF (certified professional facilitator) and represents the IAF in Germany. She has a very broad range of experience in all fields of work from profit to non-profit, in politics, administration, science, foundations, associations, networks and international organisations. She is very familiar with working with small and large, diverse groups. Jutta has hosted the Berlin Facilitators Meetup since 2016, organises international conferences and training sessions, writes specialist articles and books and also shares her knowledge on LinkedIn.

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Frederik Wortmann

As a facilitator, Frederik Wortmann enjoys creating spaces in which people – individually, in teams, as entire organisations – can work through challenges and identify new opportunities to move things forward together.

He studied organisational and social psychology at the HU Berlin, has been working as a freelance facilitator, trainer and mediator since 2004 and lived in the Caribbean for several years.  It was there that he began to integrate a focus on gender equality into his work. A conscious and sensitive approach to power relations is an important foundation of his work. Another focus of his work is advising organisations and, in particular, managers on how to deal with abuse of power (especially sexualised violence) responsibly and in a way that is appropriate for the people affected.


5 June 2024
12 June 2024
19 June 2024
26 June 2024

2-6 pm CEST, via Zoom


Corporate fee: 1.100 € (plus VAT)

Discounted fee: 650 € (plus VAT) for non-profit organizations and self-payers